Who We Are
(PRC Board of Directors)
Click on individual names for brief bios.
New York, NY
New York, NY
List of Contributors to Website
Sherwood Waldron, M.D.; Luis Ripoll, M.D.; Lance Dodes, M.D;
The Psychoanalytic Research Consortium (PRC) is an independent, Not-for-Profit Corporation(1), whose purpose has been to collect recordings of psychoanalyses and other psychoanalytically informed psychotherapies. The PRC catalogs and safe-guards these recordings and transcripts. It also prepares selections of such materials in a suitably confidential form for distribution to qualified psychoanalytic investigators. Based upon this data from actual, recorded psychoanalytic treatments, the PRC has provided specific evidence for the efficacy of psychoanalysis and psychoanalytic psychotherapies. Members of the PRC have developed rating scales of essential aspects of the work being done by patient and analyst. Using these scales, PRC members and other investigators have determined how the process of psychotherapy helps people in psychological trouble, identifying contributions from patient or analyst, or the interactive match between the two, which lead to effective results. Our published studies are listed here. The PRC stands in a pivotal position to educate present and future psychotherapists, by making use of a unique database of psychotherapy cases and unique methods for assessing the effectiveness of various kinds of interventions.
Overall Goals of the PRC
- Preserve data from recorded psychoanalyses and psychotherapies in a digital form, including for use after the death of the psychotherapist.
- Safe-guard these sensitive and confidential recordings of psychotherapy and disseminate the associated data confidentially and ethically.
- Improve access for qualified investigators, researchers, and educators to an organized bank of recorded psychoanalyses and psychotherapies.
- Assist in teaching psychoanalysis and psychotherapy to mental health trainees by making use of these recordings.
- Stimulate clinicians, educators, and researchers to focus on how psychotherapy works and why.
- Encourage the collection of additional recordings of psychotherapy and psychoanalysis by a wider group than heretofore.
- Compare results and conclusions when different psychotherapists and investigators examine the same recorded treatments.
- Encourage further psychotherapy process and outcome research of all kinds, to better understand how to help patients suffering from a variety of difficulties.
- Classified by the IRS as a public charity, under IRS section 501 (c) (3), (type 509 (a) (2)).